Today, I went to the Recipe For Success office at 4400 Yupon St. and was
quite mesmerized by the quaint look and charm of the place.Tucked in an
alley along the Richmond Road, not too far from the downtown area and
the museum district, the office of Recipe of Success is an old two-story
lemon-yellow colonial style house. Even the bright summer sun did not take away even a ray of its pastel
beauty as it stood at the corner plot like a princess in spring. You almost feel you stepped into history.
Had I not checked the Google map images, I would have woven through the
alley maze expecting to find an office building somewhere! The front
office is the living room and you hesitantly enter the inner chambers by
the kitchen and pantry. It doesn't seem all about cooking and growing
vegetables until you start talking to the coordinators about the
curriculum and the structure of the lessons. You may have guessed it
already that Recipe For Success is a non-profit organization that is
promoting healthy eating habits and rebuilding the lost connection we
had with food coming directly from nature as opposed to the current
trend of eating out of packets. I wouldn't be surprised if a good number
of students think of an actually existing pizza tree. Healthy eating habits
is so vital to the process of the general well being, the sooner the
children of this era get it, the better for them. I am happy to even
contemplate being a part of this meaningful movement.
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