Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Green mantra has done it again! I feel completely pervaded by it! If you are reading this post at this time, it is also tickling your peripheral system, I can tell. Simply allow your inner nerves to invite the misty green feeling and soak into it. With every passing day, I simply have an increasing feeling of how every aspect of our being is connected. And all the disconnects are because the big picture is missing and we are faking a lot to connect the dots. Today happens to be my 47th birthday and I wish this piece of wisdom had dawned into me at least twenty, if not thirty years ago. My frugally happy life entrenched into writing and reading and my passion to pull others out of the big bus they are riding to nowhere is so deeply connected to my rediscovering myself through selfless prayers of love -- the big picture is coming into focus. The end result is a growing surge of confidence without pride, a smile without the shoving of worries in its lines, of more love exuding unasked! I feel empowered and my breathing is no more like the angry bull exhaling puffs of smoke clouds. I wish the same for you, my friends and well wishers! I hope to continue to see you along the way, helping each other along!