Saturday, September 10, 2011

Greywater systems: a rising popularity for used water!

It is always a pity to watch filtered water running straight out of the faucets and into the drains while we are washing dishes, clothes or soaping up our hands during a thorough handwash. We either forget to turn the faucet off just in time, or the entire expectation of turning off the faucet and back on again every few seconds does not seem worth the effort. Secondly, the amount of water that is actually used for dishwashing and washing our clothes is not too dirty for secondary uses. Although not fit for human consumption, it is fine to feed your lawns, your flower beds with it.

Before you plan on any plumbing diversion, there are little baby steps you can take yourself. While washing dishes, make sure you have lathered up all the dishes first. Place them in a large container or trough and wash them under an aerated water-saving faucet. You will need a lot less water that way compared to washing each dish one by one. Finally, the leftover water can be tossed under a big tree or gently sprinkled over your flower beds or to hydrate your compost pile. Washing fruits and vegetables in bowls of water is also a very wise decision instead of washing them under running water. Each time you can toss the water on the lawn or garden saving you several gallons of fresh water. Even if you used your sprinkler anyway, you atleast have the satisfaction of diverting some of the used water from the sewer system.

Finally, make an occasional attempt to step back to the pre-washing machine days when clothes or mops and rugs were handwashed in large  buckets. Spend time in your backyard to wash clothes from your garden hose. Some of your lightly-worn clothes may need only a quick rinse with plain water -- a definite save on your detergent and water consumption! Rugs can be conveniently hung on a rod, or a strong clothes line and hosed down with detergent. The water that drips off it is directly filtered and absorbed by mother earth!!

I have been doing the above-mentioned practices adding a bucket over the weeks. It is not a big deal once you get used to it. The added benefit of this is the free solar dryer that dries your clothes and rugs without costing you a dime!

1 comment:

  1. very good suggestions......but to make people follow is difficult....
